The Thunberg Effect

The idea for the "The Thunberg Effect" came up when Long Tall J heard lots of people talking about the fact that they were really annoyed with her. He was wandering why? Is it always that we dislike the bringers of bad news so much?
Greta Thunberg is a young girl from Sweden. She is autistic and she found her vocation in organising the school strike to draw attention to the problems associated with climate change and global warming. She strongly believes that it will affect her and future generations and that it is time to wake up and stop the talking but do something about it.
That will cost money and will not always be pleasant. Renewables, different economical strategies, greener transport concepts, less reliance on agriculture and processing of live animals for food. Tackling deforestation and habitat destruction of wild life. There is no end to the list.
Thunberg is a whistle blower and doesn't claim that she has the solution. Many of her critics think that when you speak in such a tone you should have a plan to improve things. She doesn't claim she has one. What she emphasises is that it is time to do something about it. She is the whistle blower, the messenger. She believes in a global solution where politicians, scientists and business works together.
In this prog piece Long Tall J illustrates the different sides of climate change: emotion, fear, ignorance, destruction, denial, beauty of nature etc.
Long Tall J tried to let the music portray these different sides and bring them alive. Not a single element of this piece repeats itself and every part has its own rhythm and atmosphere. It is like a journey through the land of climate change and global warming.
The project consists of 78 tracks and will eventually be released on the second Long Tall J CD.
Long Tall J used a great deal of MIDI effects to create the different musical backgrounds. The three guitar solos that are included all tell their own story.
The first and the second solo were played on the Jackson guitar. The last solo on the Vester Les Paul imitation using a Vox Wah-Wah pedal.
Sound scaping effects included are the eruption of a volcano, beach sounds and a shootout between police and gangsters.